Nov 30, 2020
Welcome to volume 6 6 6, chapter 31 of the Necrocasticon, where we blend horror and heavy metal for your pleasure, and ours.
This month, the Necrocasticon has no sponsor. Instead, we ask that you, our listeners, donate to Dave Thomas’s Go Fund Me. He’s gotten the crap end of the stick this year with cancer and...
Nov 23, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving and welcome to volume 6 6 6 chapter 30 of the Necrocasticon, where we blend horror and heavy metal for your pleasure, and ours!
Nate Carson from Witch Mountain joins the guys this week to talk metal, and it’s a fun interview you don’t want to miss. Walt reviews the latest pandemic covers, and he...
Nov 16, 2020
This week we remember Ken Hensley, the songwriting force behind classic metal band Uriah Heep.
But that’s not all. We also talk to the former head writer of Pro Wrestling Illustrated, Dan Murphy about his new book, a horror novel called The Thing In The Water.
Plus the guys review a bunch of music for you this week,...
Nov 9, 2020
We’ve got a fantastic interview with the guy who created the Final Destination franchise, Jeffrey Reddick.
His directorial debut, Don’t Look Back, is getting noticed. You don’t want to miss this interview with the man Tom calls the Gay Jordan Peele.
Then we dip into the well that is the 80’s for a revelation...
Nov 2, 2020
This week we interview the director and writer of THEY REACH, Sylas Dall, along with his young stars, Mary Madelyn Roe and Eden Campbell.
We also remember Sean Connery, Dan reviews They Reach in Wrestler vs. B-movie, Mr. Scott reacts to the season premiere of The Mandalorian, Skip warms up the caboose, and Tom gives...