Feb 9, 2017
Welcome to Volume 2 chapter 39 of the Necrocasticon, Project Entertainment Network's podcast that blends horror & heavy metal properties with common connection. Your host, author and journalist Token Tom Clark is joined by our panel of metal & horror experts at Project Entertainment Network as we kick off both Women in Horror Month and Black History Month. Maxx Axe and Azriel Mordecai are missing Smoking Walt Hades this week, but that's OK.
We found a fill in for him in one author Lori Titus. Lori's latest novel, Blood Relations, came out this week, and we talk with her about breaking cultural boundaries and glass ceilings in both horror and music. Of course we've got all our standard segments. Tom tells you if M. Night Shaymalan's SPLIT is worth your time, Az goes all Nekrogoblicon on us, and Maxx Axe & Revelation 13 bring us this week in Metal Horror history.